blue and white abstract painting


Now available on the Microsoft Store



Controlled with Module

Send settings to your rocket

Record Live data to CSV

Receive live data


Dynamic UI

Live App bar

Beautiful Line Charts

Data dumping

Data Parsing

Interactive Serial Monitor

PID Tuning

Live Data Analysis

Connection Status

Compatible with Vega

Serial compatible

Peripheral Settings

Easy to use


Fast Setup




We design the application while keeping in mind "User-friendliness". By keeping important features accessible and minimizing confusion, our user interface allows anyone without prior experience to easily navigate the application.

We redesigned the alpha version of this application using the Dart language under the Flutter framework. Making it fast, powerful and easy to use across various platforms*.

*As of the release of August 21, 2024, the CTower will only be released on the Windows platform. However, other platforms such as Apple and Linux will be developed post release only if requested by the community, the date of which will be specified.

Setting up the Application will be a breeze. Knowing the importance of rocketry and its moments of urgency, we plan on making the application fast on bootup.

CTower is run completely locally during operation and does not require any networking after installation. Firmware updates are fully handled by the Microsoft Store.

The software will be free on the Microsoft Store. We rely on your donations and help to keep this service free for you :)

We plan on improving the software all the time. From adding new features and fixing bugs, your feedback is noted for future updates.